Sunday, February 5, 2012

Oh hey there sweetheart!

So after some fun memories with newfound friends in Utah, I came home and found out that Brian a friend in Utah asked me to their Sweetheart dance. Most people would think this is strange considering Brian is Sam'a boyfriend, but evidently, Maughans are a bit different... Sam and Brian were merely finding a way so that I could come up too, and be in Sams group! I've got the best friends ever! Sam is gonna go with Blake (another friend) it should be an interesting night! Well so here.. Let me just describe the true madness of the situation at hand.
Feb 2nd: drive to Utah with mom
Feb 4th: get asked to sweethearts by Brian
Feb 5th: drive home
Feb 10th: fly to Utah at 4:55 after school.
Feb 11th: sweethearts
Feb 12th: fly home at 7:35 to be home at 8:05 to get to work at 9:00!
Feb 18th: drive back up to Utah with Tessa for a long planned road trip.
Feb 21st: come home, and try to stay away from Utah.
As you can see... Every weekend this month is in Utah, I sure hope Brian knows how lucky he is! Hahaha! This is gonna be a fun month with some great surprises! I can't wait to unravel what is in store! are some more pictures from this weekend! ..and yes that is ty's hair. (awkward moment when your brothers hair is cuter than yours)

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