Monday, April 30, 2012
sometimes i'm happy. other times i am not. but most the time i prefer to be happy. so i find things that make me be precisely that. happy. happy me. happy you. heres some happy for you. xoxo. robs

sorry for the M.I.A. status the last couple days, i am rather lame! but, i do have some fun stories to give in return for my lack-thereof of blogging! I had a fabulous weekend... I got to spend some time on friday working on my hectic, but somewhat organized art portfolio! EEP. the word portfolio gives me anxiety. Time is not on my side. RUSH RUSH RUSH. I always seem to work good under pressure, but i sure don't like testing that hypothesis. Anyways, after that i made some memories with the lovely Falyn Lord. Quite a spunky young lady, full of attitude, ambition, and kindness. I admire her. After some girl talk in Cafe Rio we hot tubbed the night away until the gossip became dry. We then resorted to watching gossip girl. A great decision on our parts. Saturday I woke up bright an early for work! I will make sure to post some fun photos sooner or later of the place I work. Bread & Butter Bakery, scrumptious and wonderful! We were super slow at the beginning of the day so we let two people leave early, which we regretted later... when it became our busiest day ever. Three girls was not enough! My feet were about to cry. Correction: My feet were crying, but lets not tell my boss that! After a long day at work, I went home.... and met up with Karisa and Mom. It was prom night for many of the "beautiful people" at my school (quote from dad), but us funnkyyy girls decided to take prom into our own hands!
... We ventured off to CHINA TOWN! china town in Las Vegas is not very big, but it is big enough for us three girlies. We had the best night ever taking photos, shopping, trying strange eats, and best of all..... 45 minute massages! WOOOHOO. My feet were very pleased. It was probably the funniest experience ever. Mom was taking our photo outside of the "spa" and we were all giggling and joking, when i opened the door all eyes were on me. The room was silent! We felt so stupid. We walked in awkwardly and sat down. It was wonderful. So relaxing, and not awkward at all. Me and Karisa sure had some laughs during our massages. The man next to me found it really funny when he looked over at me and Karisa trying to hold in our laughter as they massaged our feet. So ticklish. At one (or more ) points... the tickling became unbearable and i bursted out. ALL EYES TOOK HOLD OF ME. which only made Karisa laugh louder. So funny. I had a hard time staying serious when all i could think of is the fact that every asian in the room was staring at the "stupid giggly girl" in the corner. We enjoyed every moment of our day!

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Oh look at those eyes! |

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I lovee me some BOBA! |
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45 Minutes of Heaven.. Coming right up! |
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Karisa-Dont be doing that! Bad Karma! |
Best Friends. |
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I wish people tried to balance $ on me! |
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P.S. Im in love with my new Target "raspberry" colored pants! |
WHOA there, thats some hard core fanning. |
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She's the cutest. Mom in her natural habitat. |
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*** Outfit details: Colored Skinnies- Target (raspberry red) Lace top- H&M, Cheetah Belt- thrifted (Goodwill)! |
oh hey, lets just take a picture with every thing! oh okay! wonderful! |
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oh getting classy, i see? |
Kisses to all, and to all a great prom night! |
This little piggy went to China Town. |
Thursday, April 26, 2012
hidden laughs.
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oh the things i find on the photo booth!!! look at these munchkins!!! and uncle jeff sticking his hands in his pants! definitely a kodak moment in our eyes!!!!!! |
i love going back and looking at the things that allison says on photo booth. they are priceless.... but this is probably the funniest thing she has said since "HEYYY BOYS, IF YOU GIVE ME A PIECE OF LICORICE ILL GIVE YOU A KISS!!!!!"..... she's seriously a character. So I'm not sure if this tops the licorice stunt, but it is pretty wonderful. ENJOY. i often find myself laughing out loud just thinking about this video.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
I've missed you dearly.
My Dearest Cowgirl Boots,
Remind me to never lend you to ANYONE ever again. Our relationship and bond is too strong for us to be separated. I have never missed a pair of shoes so much. BOOTS BOOTS BOOTS. i love you. You match everything (according to me, but I've been told i don't match quite often...) and i missed the little bounce you give me in every step. The day is happier with you here. EVERY girl should have a pair of cowgirl boots. They change your day! EEP<3 so happy. i promise i will wear u 24/7 to make up for my latest neglection.
That girl dancing in boots <3
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Tuesday shmuesssday! Today was pretty funny. Craziness in classes, sketching in all of my class periods ! But the best part of my day was definitely Student Council! Brooke Garlic (she's pretty much adorable) made me mad so I chucked the some glitter at her... This started a full blown glitter war! It was great. We were attacking EVERYONE. And Ms. Swenson never found out! YIPPPPEEE! Here's some fun to see. GLITTER IN MY HAIR, but I don't care ❤ we had a hard time getting the glitter of tho! MU shower was covered!
I enjoy coming home from an intense work out to my diet coke addicted mother! She's pretty wonderful. And I enjoy laying on the couch, and then all of a sudden hearing "want to blog about my cookies? You can eat them!" YUMMMMY. A little taste of tiff can never hurt anyone... Unless u just worked out. But, I gave in. And it was worth it! The recipe is :
orange soda whoopie pies:
1 cake mix
1 c. orange soda
1 tsp orange extract
Cool whip.
directions: combine orange soda and cake mix((don't add anything but the cake mix powder)). Put a tbsp of the mix onto a parchment lines cookie sheet, to make the cookies. Bake at 350 degrees. For 10 minutes. Take them out, let cool. Add cool whip! If you want enhanced orange flavor, ad a tsp of orange extract!
orange soda whoopie pies:
1 cake mix
1 c. orange soda
1 tsp orange extract
Cool whip.
directions: combine orange soda and cake mix((don't add anything but the cake mix powder)). Put a tbsp of the mix onto a parchment lines cookie sheet, to make the cookies. Bake at 350 degrees. For 10 minutes. Take them out, let cool. Add cool whip! If you want enhanced orange flavor, ad a tsp of orange extract!
Monday, April 23, 2012
Knock knock jokes & countdowns
Today was pretty splendid I guess you could say! I had a lovely inspiration last night for an art piece that will soon turn to reality. EXCITEMENT FLOODS MY FACE!!!! It's gonna be great! Im working 24/7 on art. LOVING IT.i find myself sketching during every other one of my classes. Today I went swimming and splashing with Danielle! Heres a photo! Got to wear my cute new swimming suit from Lucky Brand! So adorable! An enjoined time with the family and lovely jokes and txts from my best friend.... My Ma. Well enjoy!
A QOUTE I made up that keeps resonating in my head today;
"you may have got that player of a boy. But one day, I'll get a boy that has a future... And you'll be stuck with that same boy that has a past."
Can't wait for my anti-prom party this weekend... Maybe not getting asked has it's benefits!
A QOUTE from someone more important: "It is not possible to snick lower than the infinite light which Christ's Atonement shines" -Ezra Taft Benson
A QOUTE I made up that keeps resonating in my head today;
"you may have got that player of a boy. But one day, I'll get a boy that has a future... And you'll be stuck with that same boy that has a past."
Can't wait for my anti-prom party this weekend... Maybe not getting asked has it's benefits!
A QOUTE from someone more important: "It is not possible to snick lower than the infinite light which Christ's Atonement shines" -Ezra Taft Benson
pretty yet bold.
i love this song... can i just say her voice is incredible? I'm obsessed! i love her metaphors and comparisons, and the blunt reality she places in her songs! so joyful, yet soothing! listen awayyyyy.....
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Weekend Wonders.
Friday was pretty fun! Hanging with friends at school, nail polish that matches the dreadful color of HOMEWORK. And celebrating birthdays! I had a good time at lunch running around promoting kindness! It's random acts of kindness week! And I got to give out chocolate ! Chocolate=happiness<3 I got a cute be kind tee too! BONUS! On Saturday, I worked all day, up until like 5! I got a ton of left over bagels...when I say a ton... I mean like 45 bagels! I got to make some fun deliveries to people I love ! Fun fun fun! And then I had celebrated Kendra Nelson's bday by dancing like a beast! Then after we had a GNO at my place with Gibs, Celina, Alexis, Danielle, Brianna, Anna, and Mallory! Good times for sure! Here's some lovely snapshots! Enjoy! I know I did!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
I heart irony.
So while I was cleaning under my bed, I came across an old fortune... And decided to make it my new fortune.... And look what it says! IRONIC RIGHT? Who knew fortunes could be true! I can't wait to head to Hawaii with me Mom, Jill, and Grandma! I thought I'd share my ironic event with you all (as if many read my posts).
P.S. i am so happy it's becoming hotter outside, that means beachy waves and curls in your hair! YAYYYY ❤ . I recently got a new blow deyer (ultra chi) and it has a defuser attachment... It's my new favorite tool! Easy, healthy, curls! If you have naturally curly hair like me, it makes them look wonderful!
P.S. i am so happy it's becoming hotter outside, that means beachy waves and curls in your hair! YAYYYY ❤ . I recently got a new blow deyer (ultra chi) and it has a defuser attachment... It's my new favorite tool! Easy, healthy, curls! If you have naturally curly hair like me, it makes them look wonderful!
Today I went to the Las Vegas temple with kids from our ward and did baptisms! It was incredible! It was fun seeing all the people that have never been to the temple before, little Camille McGinnis was eating it up. SO PRECIOUS. She was also crippled, and couldn't do baptisms so she did a million confirmations. It was awesome! When going down to the font, you have to go town three or four flights of stairs, so I picked that little munchkin up and took her down and up on the way back. It was so sweet when she looked up and was just so happy to be there regardless of her hurt foot! I guess anyone can do the Lords work if they have the will to do so! I absolutely love my religion. I don't know what I would do without it! It's incredible how many blessings I have recieved just from knowing the true church on this Earth. HOW LUCKY AM I? If you have no clue what I am talking about... Visit! Complete bliss on that website! <3 I'm a happy girl.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Smiling Moments of Today.
These were the two moments I smiled the most today. I am so fortunate to have a brother like Ty, I seriously do not know what I would do without him. Ty, I know you were trying to make this bout me... But this picture just shows ur amazing character. You are the most selfless person I know, its incredibly admirable. I love the smiles and spirit you constantly encompass. You can make the grumpiest person in the world die of laughter. You say you are lucky? Well I am the lucky one. Into quite sure if you read my blog, but I just want you to know how proud I am to say u are mine. Thanks for the love today! Needed it!
---and this is Mochi, my baby girl. She has a new fascination. TOY MICE. But she only likes one, this time around it is the light blue one. look at those markings, she's officially shed her kitten tuff and grown her beautifully maturing coat. RAWR!
---and this is Mochi, my baby girl. She has a new fascination. TOY MICE. But she only likes one, this time around it is the light blue one. look at those markings, she's officially shed her kitten tuff and grown her beautifully maturing coat. RAWR!
Imma tourist, and I don't mind.
Today was a pretty good day, yet again. After a long day at school, a new art piece partly done... And a second in the making,i was ready to be home! I went to target with my mum, then the riddle boys came over at 2:15 for some babysitting. We had a wonderful time! We did a very intense puzzle, it always amazes me how well Eli can do these puzzles ! I like to think that his babysitter from 2 month on was the aide in his brilliance ( hah. But here's some snippets from my day.
My outfit is... Khaki pants-GAP belt-from Peru Shirt-Kohls ($5) Necklace- ask my mom!!? Bracelets- Thailand & Morocco& Peru. ---everyone who complimented me today were furious when my response to "where'd u get the belt!?" was... Oh just from PERRUUUU<3 imma tourist! Lucky me!
P.S. Jordan, Carley, Anna, and I has some fun with our thoughts in Student Council!
My outfit is... Khaki pants-GAP belt-from Peru Shirt-Kohls ($5) Necklace- ask my mom!!? Bracelets- Thailand & Morocco& Peru. ---everyone who complimented me today were furious when my response to "where'd u get the belt!?" was... Oh just from PERRUUUU<3 imma tourist! Lucky me!
P.S. Jordan, Carley, Anna, and I has some fun with our thoughts in Student Council!
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