Thursday, April 26, 2012

hidden laughs.

oh the things i find on the photo booth!!! look at these munchkins!!! and uncle jeff sticking his hands in his pants! definitely a kodak moment in our eyes!!!!!!

i love going back and looking at the things that allison says on photo booth. they are priceless.... but this is probably the funniest thing she has said since "HEYYY BOYS, IF YOU GIVE ME A PIECE OF LICORICE ILL GIVE YOU A KISS!!!!!"..... she's seriously a character. So I'm not sure if this tops the licorice stunt, but it is pretty wonderful. ENJOY. i often find myself laughing out loud just thinking about this video. 


  1. where is your video of Allie going "HEYYY BOYS, IF YOU GIVE ME A PIECE OF LICORICE ILL GIVE YOU A KISS!!!!!"?!?!???????????
