Wednesday, April 11, 2012

.::Creative juices flowing::.

It's funny when you walk down the street and see everything as if it were at the tip of your brush or pencil. The world is so different when put in an artistic nature! And I'm currently EATING this fact UP! My portfolio has to be COMPLETE in around a month. Talk about scary! So for those of u who dont understand an artists portfolio. Here goes the low down.
Portfolio= 12 concentration pieces (pieces all centered around a theme) + 12 breath pieces (whatever media or theme desired) + time. So my concentration is more focused on cubism. Which is a bit out of my comfort zone. It's gonna be a learning experience, especially since I just changed my concentration a week ago! 12 pieces to go! AH! Below is one of the photos I am working on. It's an acrylic transfer of a beautiful girl I thought up in my noggin... She kinda looks like Lana Del Rey (which Tate and I fine by me)! I drew her up in graphite and charcoal... Then made copies. MANY COPIES of the drawing on a black&white copier. Then I used acrylic transfer (my new guinea pig media) which i painted onto the copies and the canvas to transfer my copies onto a canvas. After 24 hours of drying, I took off the paper in water. long process.... ugh. So here's the pictures... Hopefully u understand the process! They are still incomplete . And the one of the man is going to become a cubism transfer also. ENJOY!

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