Monday, June 11, 2012

Past due.

Okay. I'm officially no longer MIA. And I'm gonna post a very over due post right now! Lots has pasted! Ive been so busy lately it is crazy! So
I'm gonna be short and sweet!
1. My portfolio is in! And I Am relieved! My birthday was great, and I got
The best present ever! A Polaroid! Here's a fav.
2. The solar eclipse was on Sunday! It's been 18 years since I was born on the last solar eclipse! YAY! My mom told the story of how she was in labor while my dad ran out to take a quick glimpse at the phenomenon! Funny!
3. I love my cat.. What else is new. Mochi and Eli playing.
4.Monday was college shirt day! And I tricked everyone with a Ricks shirt! So fun!
5. The Event (Mormon prom) with - sweet guy (pretty cute eh?)! Larson!
6. I got the presidential award at our school. Only the top 20 kids got this! Whoop whoop! Guess that makes up
for getting kicked out of mormon prom!
7. Last but certainly not least... MY SENIOR FINAL GALLERY IS ON THURSDAY! I'm one of the only two art students that will be in there. The rest are photo students! I guess my four years payed off! Look at our fun photos that are getting the word out about the gallery! Grandpa Litchfield would be so proud!
Sorry for the late coming of the posts! I'll try to be better... Shout out to the philidelphians, I MISS YOU. Wish u was there ! Xoxo robs

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