Monday, February 27, 2012

Date night !

So to repay some very sweet boys that took me and Kelsey out a weekend ago, we asked them out and started a bit of a competition. Who is the better date planner? And we proved ourselves worthy of the title! Here's what we did! We picked them up and and then headed to "the pottery shop" in town square! We painted pottery, and who knew these boys were such amazing artists! It was super fun, after we made our way to Smith's and we split up into girls vs. boys. We each got 15 bucks and 25 minutes to buy and plan a full meal. The boys did good and were done right on time! We headed to my house and prepared our food! The boys made monte cristo sandwiches ! Impressive, I know! And me and Kels made ebelskevers, which are like german round little pancakes ! I think me and Kelsey won (: but the boys were great too so we called it a tie. Next we just settled down and watched a movie! Here are some pictures!

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