Sunday, February 19, 2012

Happy.LOVE.Day! <3

I had the best ...valentines.... EVER! The two cutest boys in the world were MINE (( all day long )) . Tate and Ty, yes I know, they are my brothers! SO LAME, but I love it! All day at school I got to wear a "ask me for a kiss" shirt. I handed out hershey kisses all day and it was definitely very fun and adventurous! Also, I made some cute valentines for my StuCo family! They were fortune cookies, all of which had personalized fortunes for every person! It was way cool and so easy to do, so check out my simple turtorial. I guess valentines isn't as bad as I thought! <3 thanks to my brothers and some happy-go-lucky friends!
So many people asked if I got a real kiss on valentines day because I had an "ask me for a kiss" shirt. And the truth is... YESSSS. YESSSS. YES! I got the best kiss ever from the only boy that will never have to ask for a kiss ! My dad, yes my dad. Word on the block is that this girl Tiffany (Litchfield) was super jealous! Cause sparked were totally flying!
Anywhoo! Kiss the ones you love, and have a happy love day!!!

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