Monday, April 16, 2012


Silence, embodies the room,the world is still.
I speak but you don't hear,
The loudness of your ignorance pains my ears.
Screaming, begging, for you to listen.
I'm a mime, pale faced and misunderstood.
Trying to draw ur attention.
The air between us forms a barrier,
To you, I am invisible.
Yet, I am still the same girl you used to see,
But time has worked against me,
And, to you, I have transformed.
Mute, dying for you to hear.

... A little poem of my thoughts. Ever get this feeling? Lately I've been feeling this a lot! And no, it's not about a boy. I wish it was... Cause then it would mean I had one ;) , but it's not. Sometimes I feel like people tune me out, it hurts. I'm not invisible, and I'm quite aware of the fact... But sometimes I feel it. DEEP I know.... But today I came to realize, that the people who tune you out are the people that maybe you should be tuning out yourself. Life is such a mystery, so many ways to take things. I could be wrong, but I think instead of being around the many that tune me out, I'm gonna stick with the ones that listen. Plus, the ones that stick around a listen to this girl gannet on and on, well they, they are true keepers! Sweet Dreams,

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