Sunday, April 22, 2012

Weekend Wonders.

Friday was pretty fun! Hanging with friends at school, nail polish that matches the dreadful color of HOMEWORK. And celebrating birthdays! I had a good time at lunch running around promoting kindness! It's random acts of kindness week! And I got to give out chocolate ! Chocolate=happiness<3 I got a cute be kind tee too! BONUS! On Saturday, I worked all day, up until like 5! I got a ton of left over bagels...when I say a ton... I mean like 45 bagels! I got to make some fun deliveries to people I love ! Fun fun fun! And then I had celebrated Kendra Nelson's bday by dancing like a beast! Then after we had a GNO at my place with Gibs, Celina, Alexis, Danielle, Brianna, Anna, and Mallory! Good times for sure! Here's some lovely snapshots! Enjoy! I know I did!

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